Time pa.s.sed. After about half an hour, Qing Liu arrived."Teacher!"Yan Fengfeng let out a breath."Senior, are you alright?"Ye Chen said.Qing Liu shook her head. She said, "Luckily, you guys left before anything had happened. Otherwise the consequences would be catastrophic." The marshland monster in his second form had twice as much power as before. Without the flawed extreme rank item, even she could not handle it."What about the marshland king?"She answered, "He is still there and even more powerful than before. Let's go first."…A loud sound came out from the marshland. Then everything was peaceful and quite again."Where that monster came from?"No one knew how long it had been but the marshland king crawled back out from the ground. Those pitch dark jewellery-like eyes were full of fear.That warrior had only thrown out one blade attack.And with only one blade attack, half of his power had been burned out, if with another blade, he might have been killed. He had never thougth about it that human demi king warrior would have this kind of power. His immortal body would not even handle one blade attack. That warrior had made it all the way here so it meant that he had taught that big bat a lesson as well, he might have even killed him."d.a.m.n. With half of my power gone, I will have to sleep in this marshland for at least half of a month before recovering fully. If I get wounded again, then the power of the marshland would not be enough for me anymore. I really hope that big bat is killed. Without him, then more people would make it here successfully. And with their corpses, the marshland would have more power and my power would grow as well."Marshland king was born from the essence of the marshland. In a way, he was the marshland and the marshland lived through him. As for those minor marshland monsters and leaders were all born from the remaining power of the marshland as well.If there were enough corpses to nourish the marshland, then all of the monsters would increase their power and his power would reach a new level as well.…"I have a hunch. This whole graveyard would take a lot of lives of the powerful warriors." Flying in the air, Qing Liu sighed as she said.Ye Chen said, "The four extreme emperor is a famous emperor king warrior. His grave appearing in the world would attract so much attention. And we are only little p.a.w.ns, the real lead roles aren't us.""You are quite right."Qing Liu knew what he was talking about. Right now, all of the king warriors were all planning, some of them were calling for friends, while some other chose to make alliances. Her disciple Yan Qingxuan and the old dragon king were on the same side. Before they had also chased down the Nine Ghost Cult leader."However, the king warrior's battle would only be limited. It would not have much to do with us."The king warriors would be taken on by the king warriors since the rest of them would be on a completely different level.There were no brightness nor darkness in this underground environment. After about half a day, the three arrived in a rock forest."That looked like the spider net."Murong Qingchen's eye sight was sharp. In front of the rock forest, a slightly see-through ma.s.sive spider web can be spotted. It was three hundred meter long and if looked closely then a thin spider string would be the thickness of an arm."Everyone, watch out!"Qing Liu lowered her speed and entered the rock forest slowly."Be careful!" 没有任何征兆的,秦柳突然黏在了虚空中,仿佛被什么东西网住了,她心中一跳,回头警告叶尘三人. 崩崩崩! 叶尘几乎是下意识的拔出雷劫剑,在秦柳身周斩了三剑,交织成倒三角形,其过程中,有钢丝崩断的声音响起. 秦柳脱困而出,唰的后退. "这是隐形蛛丝!" 伸手抓住黏在身上的隐形蛛丝,秦柳发觉用灵魂力都难以感知,最多稍微感应一下它的存在而已. "隐形蛛丝?" 叶尘眉头皱起,刚才他都没有发现蛛丝的存在,灵魂力扫描过去,空空荡荡,只是有一些不对劲,现在蛛丝被斩破,倒是能感知到,可以在脑海中模拟出蛛网的形状. 闪电般的,一团幻影窜到了虚空中,最后黏在那里. 这是一只澡盆大小的蜘蛛,八只脚,背部烙印着黑白两种颜色,漆黑的口器一张一合,择人欲噬. 很显然,感应到蛛网有动静,这只隐藏在暗中的蜘蛛立马扑了出来,准备用蛛丝裹住猎物,然后慢慢享受,可惜,秦柳已经脱困而出,让它落了一个空,白高兴一场. 当然,以这只蜘蛛的气息,最多相当于顶尖宗师而已,就算没有叶尘,它也奈何不了身为半步王者的秦柳,只怕一下子就要网破身体碎. "居然是外界绝迹的捕杀者." 秦柳一下子认出蜘蛛的身份,捕杀者现在真灵大陆还有,但很稀少,基本上都被人类强者捕捉掉了,把它当成自己的财富,利用其吐出来的蛛丝炼制成特殊道具,这只捕杀者最多顶尖宗师的实力,但顶尖宗师被网住,根本无法逃脱,只能任其宰割,可以想象其有多可怕. 唰! 捕杀者见没有网住猎物,立刻转身离开,速度快的如同幻影. "哪里走!" 秦柳一掌把对方拍死在虚空中,绿色的鲜血四溅. ... 岩石林深处. "太上长老,救我." 虚空中,一张隐形的大网网住了斧宗林如海和夏侯尊,坚甲王也被网住了,但他很快震破蛛网,逃了出来. 林如海和夏侯尊心中惊慌,对坚甲王叫道. "好!" 坚甲王鼓动真元,扯掉黏在身上的破碎蛛网,正欲解救两人. 突兀的,幻影出现,两只巨大的捕杀者一左一右,分别扑向林如海和夏侯尊,这两只捕杀者,比叶尘他们遇到的捕杀者更大,气息更恐怖,是两只捕杀者之王,实力相当于普通的半步王者. "不,救我." 林如海和夏侯尊同时叫了起来.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting. 坚甲王面色难看,林如海和夏侯尊相隔数十米,短暂的时间内,他只能救出其中一人,毕竟这两只捕杀者都有着半步王者的实力,不可能一瞬间杀死他们,冒险的话,很可能失去两人. 咬了咬牙,坚甲王选择先去救夏侯尊,对虚空门而言,夏侯尊的重要性要高过林如海,哪怕对方是虚空门大长老. "为什么?" 林如海眼中出现绝望之色. 坚甲王没有去看林如海,瞬间来到夏侯尊旁边,磅礴的真元鼓动,蛛网一下子被震破,他伸手抓住了夏侯尊. 丝丝! 见自己的猎物被抢走,扑向夏侯尊的捕杀者改为扑向坚甲王. "滚!" 坚甲王一拳轰在捕杀者的脑袋上,印出一个拳印的同时,把对方震出去百多米远,最后悬挂在虚空中. 与此同时,那边的林如海传来一声惨叫,头颅被捕杀者的口器洞穿,瞬间惨死. "你们都去死." 把夏侯尊丢到地面,坚甲王的神色阴寒,身形闪动,来到杀死林如海的那只捕杀者面前,五指如钩,抓了过去. 噗嗤! 捕杀者坚硬的外壳在坚甲王面前形同虚设,一下子被抓穿,痛的挣扎起来,朝坚甲王喷出一团透明的蛛丝,可惜坚甲王的护体真元不是摆设,蛛丝黏在护体真元上,无法进去. 死吧! 坚甲王手臂发力,手掌探入到捕杀者的体内,土系真元喷薄爆发,只听卡擦卡擦几声,捕杀者被不断膨胀的岩石撑破,而这岩石是坚甲王的真元模拟出来的,比真正的岩石坚硬百倍,捕杀者的体内器官没有外壳这么坚硬,岂能抵挡. 另一只捕杀者从眩晕中清醒过来,见自己的伙伴被杀死,口器中喷出千丝万缕的蛛丝,覆盖面积之大,骇人听闻,一下子把坚甲王困在蛛丝里面,并不断加厚,增多,捕杀者的肚子都憋了下去. "岩山守护!" 坚甲王的土系护体真元闪烁了数次,大量的岩石膨胀出来,最后形成一座小型的岩山,身处岩山之中,坚甲王身体一动,携带着岩山轰向捕杀者. 惊天巨响过后,捕杀者被轰成烂泥,碎石乱飞中,坚甲王一个跳跃,出现在夏侯尊旁边. "太上长老,多谢!" 夏侯尊心有余悸,对坚甲王感谢道. "你的命是用林如海的命换来的,好好珍惜."坚甲王淡淡道. "是,大长老不会白死的." 夏侯尊眼中涌现出无限的野心,他迫切的需要增强实力,有了足够的实力,就能保护自己,有了足够的实力,便不用别人来救他,对于自己刚刚差点死掉的事情,夏侯尊他比谁都憋闷. "走吧!前面或许有入口." ... 这次叶尘四人的运气还不错,途中只遭遇到三次伏击,前面两次是寻常捕杀者,第三次是一只捕杀者之王,被秦柳几巴掌拍得吐血,最后利用蛛网逃了出去. 很快,四人来到岩山最深处. "好多人." 进入地底环境以来,四人还是第一次见到这么多人,粗略一看,起码有三十多号人,半步王者占据三分之一,足有十几个,其中有三个气息不在金绝王之下,有一个比金绝王的气息都强一点,和刑王差不多,根据他们或者他们身后之人的服饰,叶尘认出这些人的所处的势力,一个是寒冰阁的半步王者,一个是半妖王族天虎一族的半步半妖王,还有一个是四大家族林家的半步王者. 叶尘四人的到来,吸引了不少人的注意,其中包括坚甲王和夏侯尊. 坚甲王皱了皱眉头,原本他以为,他们会是第一个找到入口的,想不到已经有三十多人在他们前面,不难想象,除了他们走过的路,一定还有其它秘密通道.(未完待续.如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点(qidian.com)投推荐票,月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力.)